GIF - определение. Что такое GIF
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Что (кто) такое GIF - определение

Gif; .gif; Animated GIF; Animated gif; .GIF; GIF animation; GIF animator; GIFSCII; Interlaced GIF; Animated GIFs; Transparent gif; Transparent GIF; Gif animation; Blinky (image); GIF89a; GIF87a; GIF.; Anigif; .gfa; Graphic interchange format; Graphics interchange format; Graphic Interchange Format; GIF89; GiF; 4,558,302; Progressive GIF; Jraphics; Libungif; Libgif; Giflib; Graphics Interchange Format; Video alternative to GIF; .gifv; Gifv; Video alternative to the Graphics Interchange Format; Video alternative to the GIF; GIFV; GIFs; Scaled GIF; Image/gif
  • A GIF animation made of two photos, one [[morphing]] into the other
  • Bytes D<sub>h</sub> to 30C<sub>h</sub> in the example define a palette of 256 colors.
  • GIF can be used to display animation, as in this image of [[Newton's cradle]].
  • center
  • An animated GIF illustrating a technique for displaying more than the typical limit of 256 colors
  • Floyd–Steinberg]] method. Due to the reduced number of colors in the image, there are display issues.
  • White House]] suggests pronouncing ''GIF'' with a hard ''g''.
Найдено результатов: 32
¦ noun Computing a popular format for image files, with built-in data compression.
?a file in this format.
1980s: acronym from graphic interchange format.
·conj If.
Animated GIF         
<graphics, file format> (GIF89a) A variant of the GIF image format, often used on World-Wide Web pages to provide moving icons and banners. The GIF89a format supports multiple "frames" that give the impression of motion when displayed in sequence, much like a flip book. The animation may repeat continuously or play once. Animated GIFs aren't supported by earlier web browsers, however the first frame of the image is still shown. There are many utilities to create animated GIFs from a sequence of individual GIF files. There are also utilities that will produce animated GIFs automatically from a piece of text or a single image. One problem with this format is the size of the files produced, as they are by definition a sequence of individual images. Apart from minimising the number of frames, the best way to decrease file size is to assist the LZW compression by using blocks of solid colour, avoid dithering, and use fewer colours. If areas of an image don't change from one frame to another, they don't need to be redrawn so make the area a transparent block in the second frame. (1999-08-01)
Graphics Interchange Format         
<graphics, file format> /gif/, occasionally /jif/ (GIF, GIF 89A) A standard for digitised images compressed with the LZW algorithm, defined in 1987 by CompuServe (CIS). Graphics Interchange Format and GIF are service marks of CompuServe Incorporated. This only affects use of GIF within Compuserve, and pass-through licensing for software to access them, it doesn't affect anyone else's use of GIF. It followed from a 1994 legal action by Unisys against CIS for violating Unisys's LZW software patent. The CompuServe Vice President has stated that "CompuServe is committed to keeping the GIF 89A specification as an open, fully-supported, non-proprietary specification for the entire on-line community including the World-Wide Web". Filename extension: .gif. File format ( {GIF89a specification ( Interchange Formatmayer/lzw_gif/gif89a.html)}. See also progressive coding, animated GIF. (2000-09-12)
Gideonsbergs IF         
Gideonsberg IF
Gideonsbergs IF is a sports club in Västerås, Sweden. Established in 1955, the women's soccer section was established in 1971.
Spacer GIF         
Spacer gif; Invisible GIF; Spacer .GIF
A spacer GIF is a small, transparent GIF image that is used in web design and HTML coding. They were used to control the visual layout of HTML elements on a web page, at a time when the HTML standard alone did not allow this.
Hjärnarps GIF         
Hjarnarps GIF
Hjärnarps GIF is a Swedish football club located in Hjärnarp in Ängelholm Municipality, Skåne County.



The Graphics Interchange Format (GIF; GHIF or JIF, see pronunciation) is a bitmap image format that was developed by a team at the online services provider CompuServe led by American computer scientist Steve Wilhite and released on June 15, 1987. It is in widespread usage on the World Wide Web due to its wide support and portability between applications and operating systems.

The format supports up to 8 bits per pixel for each image, allowing a single image to reference its own palette of up to 256 different colors chosen from the 24-bit RGB color space. It also supports animations and allows a separate palette of up to 256 colors for each frame. These palette limitations make GIF less suitable for reproducing color photographs and other images with color gradients but well-suited for simpler images such as graphics or logos with solid areas of color.

GIF images are compressed using the Lempel–Ziv–Welch (LZW) lossless data compression technique to reduce the file size without degrading the visual quality.